The link I have doesn't work or just takes me to a login screen?
If the link you have been sent does not work or takes you just to a login screen there are a couple of things you can do: 1. Download the letter onto your device, then open it. If you click on the link directly from the email, it might be in preview ...
Why can I not see the letters?
If you cannot see the letters it could be that you are yest to submit a form for your child(ren) or that the health team have not yet accepted your form into the system. Please contact your health provider so that they can accept your form into the ...
Where do I login to the Parent Portal?
If you have already registered on the Parent Portal, you can simply log in here: Alternatively, you can log in using the invitation link you received from your child's school or the School Health Team.
Parent Portal - how to register in 4 easy steps (link)
How do I login to the Parent Portal?
1. LOG INTO THE PORTAL There are two ways to log in: 1. Click the link that was sent by the school/health provider, this will take you to the landing page where you can enter your email address & password that you registered with and press the blue ...
How do I register for the Parent Portal?
To create an account you will need to have received an email with an activation link from your child's school. If you have lost the activation email from the school please contact them so that they can send you another one. Once you click on the link ...
Why can I only see one of my children below the forms I have filled in?
In the example below one child has been accepted by the organisation and the other child will be pending acceptance. Check back later to check if the form has been accepted. Once the child has been accepted by the organisation they will appear. See ...
How do I view my questions and answers?
If you want to view the questions and answers that were submitted simply click on the 'View' button. You may be able to download the questions and answers, in which case there will be a download button in the top banner which you can click to ...
Missed questions on the Parent Portal Submission Form
1. Check Parent Name entered: 2. Check rest of document for highlighted sections:
Once I have submitted the questionnaire do I get confirmation?
Once you have submitted the questionnaire there will be a confirmation message on the screen and you will also receive an email confirming the submission and detailing the next steps.
I am unable to submit the questionnaire.
You are only able to submit the questionnaire if you have answered all the mandatory questions. Look back through the questionnaire and see if any of the sections are highlighted (see image below). Once you have answered the question you should be ...
How do I start filling in the form?
Once you have logged in to your account you will see your account dashboard. All forms that you have clicked on via a link will be found in one of the 3 tabs: 'New' (forms not yet filled in) 'In Progress' (forms started but not submitted) 'Submitted' ...
I have lost my invitation email
If you have lost the invitation email from the school or school health team, please contact them so that they can send you another one. Click on the link in the email sent by the school or school health team and register your account by filling in ...
Creating an account
To create an account you will need to have received an email with an activation link from your child's school. You will also need to be able to have access to an email account as your email will become your username. If you have lost the activation ...
What if I change my mind and I want to withdraw consent for the immunisation?
Call the immunisation team. You will find their contact information in the email sent by your child's school.
I don't understand one of the questions. Who can I ask?
If you do not understand one of the questions in the questionnaire or consent form we suggest you contact the relevant health team. You will find their contact information in the email sent by your child's school. We also have some useful contact ...
My child is moving schools. How will they receive their immunisation?
Your child's new school will send you the information on the immunisation programme in their area.
Once I have submitted the Immunisation consent form can I amend it?
You can log back in and amend the details on the form. Remember to submit the new details. Once your child has received the vaccination you will not be able to make amendments. We suggest if you are making amendments close to the time the vaccination ...
I have forgotten my username and /or password. What do I do?
If you know your username and have already registered click on the 'forgot password' link. You will receive an email to reset your password (you may need to look in your spam/junk folder for an email from ' Your username ...
How do I get started?
To create an account you will need to have received an email with an activation link from your child's school. If you have lost the activation email from the school please contact them so that they can send you another one. Once you click on the link ...